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Social and Labor Convergence Program – SLCP Gateway

An initiative led by the world’s leading manufacturers, brands, retailers, industry groups, international and governmental organizations, service providers and civil society groups, to eliminate audit fatigue.


Findings from research conducted by SLCP in 2018 show that adoption of the Converged Assessment Framework could unlock resources worth over $1.5 million spent on duplicative audits in 2019 alone, rising to $200 million by 2023, for re-deployment to improve working conditions at garment manufacturing facilities worldwide.

“The SLCP Converged Assessment Framework is a multi-stakeholder industry game-changer that can bring harmonization and convergence to social compliance at a scale not seen before. SLCP shares ITC’s priorities of reducing the cost and frequency of audits whilst enabling the facilities themselves be in the driver’s seat when it comes to data ownership and sharing.”

Janet Mensink, Executive Director of SLCP


The Social Labor Convergence Programme is an initiative led by the world’s leading manufacturers, brands, retailers, industry groups, international and governmental organizations, service providers and civil society groups, to eliminate audit fatigue by replacing current proprietary tools with a Converged Assessment Framework.


ITC and SLCP also cooperate closely on training and roll-out of the SLCP Gateway. In addition to field-based capacity-building, ITC has developed an online Virtual Learning System designed to support facilities, verifiers, trainers, and other stakeholders to better-understand the SLCP process, reduce audit fatigue, and improve working conditions.

The project

Reduce audits and invest in improvement programs

Partnership Objective

A key feature of SLCP is its decentralized data hosting and sharing system. SLCP has worked closely with the International Trade Centre (ITC) to develop a distribution gateway in which completed SLCP Verified Assessments are securely stored, and from which they can be shared with SLCP Accredited Hosts who support the distribution of the Verified Assessments to SLCP end-users. This system allows factories to retain ownership of their social and labor data, safeguards the integrity of the verified data and allows a single dataset to be widely shared.


July 2019


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Contact at ITC:

Mathieu Lamolle

lamolle @ intracen.org